The true nature of Reality: The String Theory but is it true?
What is the true nature of the universe? To answer this question, humans come up with stories to describe the world.
What is the true nature of the universe?
To answer this question, humans come up with stories to describe the world.
We test our stories and learn what to keep and what to throw away. But the more we learn, the more complicated and weird our stories become.
Some of them so much so, that it’s really hard to know what they’re actually about. Like
The string theory
Image by Krish Pagar for Sciention
For over 100 years, physicists have been trying to explain the nature of reality on the scale of the galactic subatom. Anyone interested in studying the strange phases of matter that occur at ultra-cold temperatures has never imagined entering string theory, but it is extremely rewarding.
Even with our current theoretical knowledge, we can predict and explain several phenomena that cannot be explained by the best theories of physics by the use of string theory.
As a result, a new theory of biocentrism has been proposed, which states that the universe cannot exist without life and consciousness, and we are already trying to deal with it. Perhaps string theory will eventually be a good approach to experimentation, but there should probably be new theoretical problems that will be discovered on the horizon. Indeed, it is already apparent that, while current string theory may be false or incomplete, it is an inevitable step in the right direction.
If we find the shape of the additional dimensions and find that the mathematics of string theory predicts an exact number that we measure, we may have no idea why it is the way it behaves. When we make predictions that are in stark contrast to what we perceive, the theory is discarded and we must make amends.
If string theory answers the question of the true nature of our universe, it could imply that there may be other universes in which the shape of these additional dimensions is different from the one we observe. This is not because we have a universe that we are trying to impose on our theory, but rather because mathematics leads us to this possibility. In fact, string duality indicates black holes as an ordinary system that conforms to the laws of quantum mechanics, and this is indeed a fact that needs to be modified. The question is not yet decided, but it is related to the existence of a black hole in the universe.
It should also be stressed that even if string theory were to be reviewed, we would not claim to have solved all the problems of nature. We don't yet know what the true nature of reality is, but we keep developing theories to find out what it is. Of course, we will never know for sure whether string theories are actually the long-sought-after unified theory, Einstein's idea, until we have explicit experimental and observational support. But one day, hopefully, we will know, and the theories we are trying to find will keep coming forward, with more and more evidence of their existence.
However, it is necessary to warn beforehand that the path to learning string theory is hard and painful and also worthwhile. String theory is not just a theory, but a revolution in the world of physics, and it will always be part of the mainstream academic world in one way or another. Therefore, we cannot expect serious scientists to know whether string theories are true and definitive. For anyone who is attracted to intellectual endeavors, which are physicists, this might seem like an unnecessary shackle. In the case of string theory, however, such an explanation of the true nature of reality and the ultimate goal of scientific investigation is premature.
There are a host of seemingly different theories and parameters in string theory, and I will not elaborate on them, but I am sure they all elaborate on the essence of reality.
This is a subject that sometimes does not agree with the field of string theory, but as deGrasse Tyson points out, the empirical evidence currently lies in the results of experiments such as Einstein's general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Although these results and experiments do not support string theories, they prove that they can provide astonishing insights into the workings of the universe. It is deeply interesting to realize that human intuition is the way our universe really works, and so He says that he spends his time thinking about string theory. He finds it much easier to bring gravity and quantum mechanics together than I have done so far.
Nature has taught us not to take our thoughts about reality too seriously on the one hand and on the other to take reality very seriously. In the quantum domain, it is not possible to establish a consistent reality; there is no sense that allows us to experience it directly, but mathematics makes it possible to understand it and make predictions that are consistent with observations. As a result, some physicists say that these equations do not merit lofty terms like "theory" or "scientific" in the scientific sense. Other arguments lead string theorists to believe that the true nature of reality, or at least the principles that define it, has yet to be found; it still seems impossible to me.
The mathematics of string theory combines several different concepts and convinces many physicists that reality almost certainly has string - theoretical - similar features. Indeed, his mathematical virtuosity and dexterity are so attractive to experts who have their own ideas about the nature of reality that they appeal to me too.